Jun 16, 2010

Musical Birthday Party

For my daughter's birthday party, I went with a musical theme. It was a lot of fun to put together and the possibilities would really be endless! I focused mostly on percussion and beats.
For the party cake I made a xylophone! It was really easy, too! Just a regular 9x13 cake and frosted sugar cookies. I used Dum Dums as the mallets and tied a wooden bead onto a ribbon and tucked it under the cake to make it look like a pull-along toy xylophone.
This was the drum cake for my daughter to dig into all on her own! (It was her 1st birthday.) A tiny round cake with sour candy to decorate the outside. I also made sugar cookie drumsticks.

We played a couple games, too. The first one was Follow the Rhythm. I held my little girl in my lap and helped her pat/clap/tap out a rhythm on her lap/floor and then everyone else had to follow it. It didn't require any preparation and all the kids loved it!
The second game was March to the Beat. I made these numbered circles and the kids had to march around when music was playing. When the music stopped they had to stop on a number. I would call out a number and the person who was standing on that circle got to pick a prize! I chose percussion only music to play for the game and the prizes were mini-recorders.
Then, we had a jam session with all the kids! I made a bunch of instruments (that way I didn't care if they were destroyed within 2 minutes) so there were enough for all the kids and parents to play.
Margarine tub drums...
Baby food jar lid finger cymbals (say that 3 times fast)...
Paper plate tambourines...
Formula can drums and aluminum pie tin cymbals...And water bottle rice shakers! I also made one big bean shaker (which is in the picture with all the instruments) and wrapping paper roll didgeridoos (not pictured at all...oops!).


Linz said...

I love the musical instruments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rylie said...

Such a fun and cute idea! Excellent party!